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Black Cat Radio scoops multiple awards

Written by on 06/11/2023

Black Cat Radio has received awards in multiple categories at the National Community Radio Awards 2023 on November 4th in Newcastle.
Jenny Jefferies won Silver in the category Newcomer of the year, while Brian Dobson received Bronze for Volunteer of the year. Ernie Almond was recognised as a finalist in the Sage category. Ernie was the inspiration behind the format of the weekday show – ‘Your Voice’ which celebrates its first anniversary on Monday 6th November. The programme picked up the Silver award in the category of ‘Specialist content show of the year’, which is presented over the week by Brian, Jenny, Ste Greenall and Nigel Pauley.
The big win of the night however was Gold in the category of ‘Male presenter of the year’ awarded to Ste Greenall. The judges said, “This devoted presenter clearly has a feel for radio and the community.” Unable to be at the awards ceremony, Ste messaged, “I’m totally freaked out. What a night for the station”. Ste will be invited to co-host the awards ceremony next year with female presenter winner Priya Matharu from Switch Radio in north east Birmingham.
Operations Director, Brian Dobson said, “These awards reflect the hard work, dedication and level of professionalism within our team of volunteers, and we feel really honoured to have been chosen by the judges to receive them, from amongst the best Community Radio Stations across the UK.”

Volunteer of the year 2023 – Brian Dobson

Specialist Content Show of the Year 2023 – Your Voice

Newcomer of the Year 2023 – Jenny Jefferies

Male Presenter of the year 2023 – Ste Greenall

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