Donate to keep us running
We aren’t a charity, but we are a not-for-profit organisation. Everything we earn gets ploughed back into making your community radio station the very best for St Neots.
In 2020, during the Covid-19 pandemic, we started an appeal, raising funds to provide FM radios for vulnerable and elderly people in the community. We did this through the generosity of donors just like you. With their help we were able to put a friendly voice and music into the homes of those who needed them most.
If you would like to donate a small amount to help the running of the station, you can donate via our Localgiving page by clicking this link
Alternatively, you can post it to Black Cat Radio Ltd, 2 Clayton House, Priory Lane, St Neots PE192BH.
Perhaps you’d like to start a support group for the station and raise funds. If so, let us know – just email and we can discuss your idea.