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Bob’s 60s Splash

An alternative way to listen to the music of the 60s

Scheduled on

Saturday 6:00 am 7:00 am

Spotlight artist and vintage vinyl

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Want to know what Bob's 60s Splash is all about?............

‘Bob’s 60’s Splash’ was first conceived as a sequence of 60’s tracks in the 1980’s on ‘Bob’s Weekend Trek and Drivetime on Invicta Radio’s Gold Service Coast AM, later Coast Classics then Invicta Supergold

The sequence developed into a fully fledged stand alone live programme successfully broadcast on a number of UK stations

When we launched Red Sands Radio from the Thames Estuary Army Forts off the Whitstable Kent Coast, the former base of Radio Invicta, K.I.N.G and Radio 390 ‘Bob’s 60’s Splash’ was aired on Sunday mornings from 7-10am

The Fort having lost its fendering, Red Sands Radio was forced to come ashore and broadcast from purpose built studios at Whitstable Harbour, a couple of Recording of Transmission (RoT) programmes from 2014 are listed, sadly no examples of the early shows survive

Always presented in real time there are no computer tricks, no dual tracking but includes vinyl 7″ singles, EP’s, and LP’s the way we’ve always done it ‘Bob’s 60’s Splash’ as ‘live’ as it gets.

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Bob’s 60s Splash crew